Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Spielberg shouldn't have quit from 2008 Beijing Olympics panel

I strongly feel that the ace Hollywood director has not done the right thing by quitting from his post of artistic advisor for the 2008 BeijingOlympics just to air his discontent with China's policy in Sudan.

Tell me ,Mr. Spielberg honestly "Is there any super power country which is not using other smaller nations for their own benefit?". You don't have lookto farther-US the nation where you reside and make your classic movies is one such example. Have you ever given a thought on US's foreign policies?You just need to think about that first. How can you forget that what theydid to Vietnam, former Russia and Iraq.

You never said that you will stop making your movies from US etc. why?What they have done to these countries is worse than what China is doingby being a mute spectator in Sudan.It's nice that you are concerned about the welfare of people there but forthat don't use sports events like 2008 Beijing Olympics as a weapon. And Iam strongly against it. You should have helped China in making 2008Beijing Olympics a major success by standing by them.

Don't forget that you are the king of the most potent tool called moviesthat has more impact than what you did by stepping down from the post ofartistic advisory for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.Wat u say guys?

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